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Suddenly stopped receiving buyer requests


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For the last three days, I suddenly stopped receiving buyer requests.I am mostly online and tried refreshing after every two minutes but still nothing.I didn’t makes any edits to the gigs either.The day before I stopped receiving buyer requests,I was busy and could not send proposals to buyer requests.Is fiverr trying to punish for not sending proposals?

I did updated few of my gigs more than a couple of weeks ago and two of them are still pending and the gigs overall performance has dropped down in terms of impressions and views, but still I was getting buyer requests.
I have completed 20 orders with no delays or cancellations and have 5 star rating.

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Are you a leveled seller? If not, you’ll see more buyer request as you move up. If you create more gigs, you’ll see more requests.

Nevertheless, I think the system has a problem. My impression and clicks are stagnant and I can’t edit my tags.

Many sellers have complained about declining or stagnant impression. Do you still have the orange ribbon stating you’ll receive your complete analytic soon? This may be the problem.

I think some gigs have been removed from the search since the introduction of paid adverts in favor of seller chosen for the program.

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