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The Gigs you have the most fun delivering!


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So what gigs, if any, do you really enjoy doing? I absolutely love the feedback I get from people when they receive their jingles, or love songs, or random what-not song. It’s a thrill to see them so happy because they didn’t expect it to be so on topic yet still soooooo awesome! One guy said I’m turning regular every day ideas into radio hits…probably the most my ego has been stroked in one sentence ever!!! I just delivered a jingle for a sock company, which by the way I mistakenly completed the gig before I even begin writing the song…(stupid me and my clumsy fingers).lol I fast tracked their song and sent it to them yesterday and they were blown away at how catchy I could make a sock subscription for gentleman sound!..sometimes I do too amazing of a job.lol Well I’ve shared so you share! Feel free to tell me what gig you enjoy doing the most and why? And what kind of feedback have you gotten? Which was the most memorable statement you’ve received from a satisfied buyer?..come dish dish!!!

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Well, out of the gigs I have, I would say the one I enjoy doing most is my Slideshow Video Gig - http://fiverr.com/prohelper27/create-3-slideshow-videos-with-your-text-photos-and-audio

I am a creative person, so I enjoy doing these type of videos, even just for fun sometimes! Also, I have gotten outstanding feedback from great customers so far and that makes me happy! 🙂

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