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Three for the price of one? Not sure whose fault this is


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I recently responded to a buyer request for three ads, saying I could fill the request through my poster design gig. The buyer order one of the gig – repeating in his instructions to me that he needed three ads. Have I just offered him three for the price of one by accident? What would you do in this situation?

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Yes, to some extent you probably created that misunderstanding.

When you responded to a buyer request, you can specify the basic gig quantity, and you should choose “3” in your case.

Now, either you accept and do three ads for the price of a gig, or you explain to your buyer that he need to purchase two more gigs. Of course a mutual cancellation is also worth considering.

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yes, it seems like you did. In your buyer request did you give a custom quote of any kind? If you didn’t say anything about the price then yes, you did.

What I would do in this situation, if you want the ratings and the job seems not too difficult, is to write back and tell the buyer, that you did make a mistake, but that you are going to honor it this time and will do the 3, however in the future it is $5 per poster.

If you do not care about the ratings, then I would apologize for any confusion and suggest you ask him to pay for 2 or offer a mutual cancellation.

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Thanks for the advice everyone!

Since what he wanted wasn’t very labour-intensive anyways I honoured the order and made three. Got a good review so I’m not really complaining – though I will certainly be more careful in future!

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