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To get job by applying the buyer request


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Hellow Fiverr Friends,

Today I will give you some tips to get your first jobs in fiverr!
☛☛Everyday you must try to apply the buyer request.
☛☛Always use some proffesional writins like that (Hi, Hello, Thank You regards etc).
☛☛Always try to write your own proposals.
☛☛Try to show him/her some past work link which was done by you.
☛☛Add your own experience.
☛☛Always try to apply the buyer request by your PC/Desktop.
☛☛Everyday try to apply the buyer request at lest 5-8 but try to apply per day 10 buyer request.

I think buyer request is the most helpful for the new seller in the fiverr.If a new seller continue apply the buyer request everyday, he might be get a job from fiverr by buyer request in 15-30 days.

Thank you
Add your own knowledge in comments if you have any.

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