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Top things that a seller should never even touch

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Top things what you should never ever do while being a solo or freelance entrepreneur.
Don’t try to be extra smart offering client even triple expensive hosting for making a big cut.
I was just having bluehost cloud server package pretty unlimited resources, paid 520$ in start with extra ad-ons etc. Then i started offering 50$ hosting with my standard package and 90% of clients bought that. Right after i got 50 websites, bluehost made it hard to live suddenly shut my server down due to exceeding inodes limit.
Then i wasted my days and weeks managing disputes on websites / bad feedbacks / restoring websites / managing queries and running projects at the same time. I remember i wasn’t slept for 3 consecutive days even i have a Team.
Well, i solutioned & made everything working.
Now, after two months passed, some of my client shared details (wordpress panel) with a hacker or some other shitty person. He put a trojan and again my 85+ websites are infected.
Now again, same story beings clients’s abuses / disputes / bad feedbacks / late deliveries / getting rid of Virus throughout the server in ALL OF MY CLIENTS sites. And most weird thing Bluehost said if you don’t remove your virus then we’ll blog your server.
Well, i spent my days and nights on it. Got the virus out of my server. Purchased Siteground and moved all sites and got rid of nasty bluehost.
What i get & what i lost.
Maximum 2000$ earned from hosting and 900$ was the actual cost. Only 1100 bucks was the actual profit.
I lost my Most important time in managing old clients’s abuses where i could have spent that on my new clients to earn more than 5 thousand bucks.
I got my delivery rate from 98% to 49%.
Lost my search ranking (no queries vs 60+ daily, few weeks ago)
In short, I lost my business and also in just 50$ i have to keep taking care for whole year. Thats insane.
Don’t try to be everything, be something but special and better. -Moral

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I read your story first of all Its a bad thing but the good thing is you learn from your mistake. Being senior here and working more than 3.5 years here and by maintain everything 100% I make some rules before taking of my first project. I will never pick wrong projects, never go for more and more like you thought it would be good business to referral clients to buy hosting from your own reseller account. That was the biggest mistake I can even imagine in this work, from day one It was my rule till now that " always work on client server not to offer own server or testing server or hosting. I put that in my requirements " You must have a reputed hosting company hosting details " .

$1100 bucks is nothing comparatively the loss you have but good people learn from mistakes. The thing you learn after doing mistake I was aware from day 1. You buy blue host. These are all well reputed hosting companies with so many rules, restrictions as well . if you think to hosting you should setup your own server or hosting from local country instead of internationals so that you can sort out these issue by have a live meet up .

Second in future I would recommend you not offer this hosting services ! Its very hectic job and responsibilities .

There are many other methods to generate more revenue from hosting companies you forgot that but many pro following those things.
Best of luck for your future ventures and the biggest thing I like about your story is " You shared your failure to public " 

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