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Traffic Stats Report For Fiverr Sellers.. What you think?


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Hey Fiverr Guys,

I’m a fiverr user since 2011 and I celebrated my 1st Anniversary of my Fiverr Account on 11th of this month. I have this suggestion that I would like to have.

As a seller, I do some Self-Promotion for my Fiverr Gigs, But I don’t know what method drive me good number of sales and how about the traffic I get from my sources that I optimize. So if I can have this Traffic Stats Feature, I might be able to see these things,

★ Total number of unique visitors, all visitors from my traffic sources.

★ What sources drove me most sales and what sources drove me less, So I can optimize them more.

★ Coversion rate as a percentage on all traffic sources.

★ Country of the visitors and buyers from my sources.

★ And so on.

I would like to know your ideas of this suggestion. Do you agree with me? Do you also want to have this feature? Then comment here saying your sweet Opinion, So Fiverr guys will concentrate more on this.




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Reply to @honestkr: Definitely friend, I have sent a Customer support message also very long ago asking this feature, but they didn’t said whether they started to concentrate on this. Hope now they’ll start concentrating on this, If lot of Fiverr Sellers asking this. Let’s support this feature guys.

Thank you for your support comment!



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