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Known issues with the Skill Tests provided by ExpertRating

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Continuing discussions from Take a Test, Earn Trust! and My first impression of the Skills Test feature

What are Skill Tests and what do they do?
If you’ve explored the options on your profile, you may have found the Skill Tests. These currently have no active benefit to Sellers unless a Buyer specifically looks for them. Relevant results cannot be placed in gigs and they can only be seen in the Seller’s profile.

Who is ExpertRating?
ExpertRating is considered a course provider and certification issuer based in India.
Their homepage states:

Leaders in Online Certification
Have your skills certified through the same platform used by Walmart, Google, IKEA, Ericsson, GAP and Amazon.

The main problem for us on Fiverr
Certification places should have standards, especially online. (Google search results for “ExpertRating reviews” avg. 4.5 of 5.)

With so many different people taking the tests just for the sake of taking it (like here on Fiverr) it’s difficult to impossible to even review questions with low ‘right answer’ rates. So they rely on a ‘tell us if anything is wrong’ section at the end of the test. The problem with that is remembering exactly what was wrong with exactly which question. And forget it if there’s problems on more than one question. I’m sure there are people who can remember such details under normal circumstances, but under the timed pressure of taking a test? That is not the best environment for stimulating memory of issues with the test itself.

In trying to report issues, I’ve tried copying the section of text (didn’t work) and taking a screenshot of an error question (I couldn’t refer to the screenshot without leaving the window, which automatically failed me, even after the test was ‘ended’). I understand why you can’t copy text in the tests, but that leads to the aforementioned issue about memory and reporting.

Collection of noted issues
(Some of these issues are more prevalent than others.)

  • No correct answer
  • Identical answers
  • Poor grammar/spelling/punctuation
  • Outdated questions/answers (which places an additional negative of easier cheating)
  • Disconnections leading to automatic failures
  • Missing images (where the question prompts to refer to such)


  • No randomization for layout or order in retakes.
  • Textbook-answer questions.
  • The test offers ‘multiple-possible answers’ option. Underutilized. (test: skill vs knowledge)

Potential fix?
I firmly think people shouldn’t complain about issues without offering a possible solution. So here is one that I think should be in the realm of possibility to easily implement. (I’ll admit: I’m not a programmer, so I don’t know how difficult it would actually be to code.)

There should be a way to flag a question from within the test itself. Even if it doesn’t allow an explanation, and (really) especially since you don’t want to take time from the test itself to fill something out, if the same question gets flagged by enough test-takers, it could/should be more closely looked at by the test ‘proctors’.

Dear Fiverr,
Please connect with ExpertRating about this. For the sake of Buyers, Sellers, and your own reputation. You promote professionalism. You are a platform of such great opportunities, but contracting out your tests to a questionable third-party is not helping.

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Good idea. I agree there should be some way of flagging bad questions on the tests so they can be fixed (like suggested, Fiverr should be able to send that info/data back to the skill test providers). Hopefully that would fix the current tests or speed up fixing of them.

I agree quite a few/many of the tests are outdated and they could do with new tests for new topics (as well as updating any existing tests so they’re still up to date) or tests based on open source software or lower priced software in addition to the current tests. eg. one test requires very high priced software when questions using an open source alternative could be done instead for the same topic.

I assumed there was some randomisation in the tests but if there isn’t, doing that would help stop cheating.

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Good idea. I agree there should be some way of flagging bad questions on the tests so they can be fixed (like suggested, Fiverr should be able to send that info/data back to the skill test providers). Hopefully that would fix the current tests or speed up fixing of them.

I agree quite a few/many of the tests are outdated and they could do with new tests for new topics (as well as updating any existing tests so they’re still up to date) or tests based on open source software or lower priced software in addition to the current tests. eg. one test requires very high priced software when questions using an open source alternative could be done instead for the same topic.

I assumed there was some randomisation in the tests but if there isn’t, doing that would help stop cheating.

I agree quite a few/many of the tests are outdated and they could do with new tests for new topics (as well as updating any existing tests so they’re still up to date) or tests based on open source software or lower priced software in addition to the current tests. eg. one test requires very high priced software when questions using an open source alternative could be done instead for the same topic.

I can see where you’re coming from. While it would be impossible to have tests for all the possible software for every genre of gig, some tests for the more popular free/open programs could be built.

Though, on further thought, those high-priced program licencors might have paid the ExpertRating ‘school’ to make tests for those programs. I know colleges have contracts/licences/accreditation to teach using certain textbooks/software/standards. This can be good, in cases like standards for GAAP or making sure students have a minimum knowledge of Microsoft Office programs. In contrast, I can recall making due with GIMP when I had Photoshop assignments (ran out of time in the library, finished at home), and basic Wordpad when the assignment was suppose to be done in aforementioned Office (built the basic assignment at home, finished at school).

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I remember asking them on the announcement page in the comments about how many testing services they went through before settling on Expert Rating. Response: crickets I got no response which meant they just chose who they thought was a good fit.

Besides, this is the same testing company used by another platform before they did away with them and testing altogether.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/8/2019 at 5:36 AM, imagination7413 said:

I’ve done some browsing of the ExpertRating web page. I’m officially concerned.

(found in the sitemap):

Guess what! You can still take that ‘Windows 95/98’ test for 9.99!

(and found this in the TOS):

I must laugh, lest I cry.

There’s probably a low percentage of people still on old operating systems like those so it might be possible they’d keep the tests for that. They do have a Windows 10 test (in the operating systems section - the Win 95/98 test should really be in there too instead of the section that site currently has it in, if they don’t delete it). Though Fiverr hasn’t added the Windows 10 test to their test section yet. Since about 39% of systems use that I think (according to the web) Fiverr should really add it.

The “content authenticity” bit is just to cover themselves in case they got sued. Even though there are errors/omissions in the test that haven’t been fixed, as well the fact that they are not fully up to date. 

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On 12/8/2019 at 4:09 PM, uk1000 said:

There’s probably a low percentage of people still on old operating systems like those so it might be possible they’d keep the tests for that. [...] Fiverr should really add [Windows 10].

I agree, to an extent. However this goes back to ‘older tests are easier to cheat’ problem.

More minor of a gripe is that it still costs the full price to take. Not that I’m going to take it, but basic supply/demand logic. I kind of wonder how many have bought-and-taken that specific test in the last year, and if lowering the price might actually make people willing to buy just for the certification.

In agreement on the Win10.

Yes, I know that line is for sake of covering, but with all the issues it feels more like an excuse to slack. I understand some of the problems are intensive fixes, but how hard is it to fix a spelling error? 

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They should consider using Interview Mocha if they really want to test people. Their tests are actually written to be understood by people and everything makes sense.

I’ll take your word on that.

I originally thought working with the system chosen would be more feasible, but maybe the best solution is changing testing service options.

Makes me wonder how the contract is set up.

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  • 2 months later...

EDIT: Update and announcement by Fiverr:

We wanted to update you that we have decided to remove many of the skill tests from our platform and moving forward will be using a select few. Any of the tests not mentioned below will no longer be shown in your profile and you will no longer be able to take them. We regularly evaluate our products and features to ensure we have the best buying and selling experience and will continue to update you as we make changes. Please note that this won’t affect your Gig performance in any way. For mo…
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  • 4 months later...

New bug: title of test missing from display.


There have also been reports lately of required tests, taken and passed, that are still stated as ‘need to take’ within a gig itself. (Try clearing cookies/cache, try a different browser, try waiting 24-48 hours, and if the problem persists contact Customer Support.)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest zoe_barnett

Add to noted issues: question seemed irrelevant to skill?

I took the English vocabulary test yesterday and got annoyed by the questions asking for logical relationships, like “dog:animal” has the same relationship as “lemonade:drink”.

Maybe these question types are commonly used to test language proficiency, but they felt a bit irrelevant to me. Just because I don’t have good logical reasoning doesn’t mean my English isn’t good.

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